
Blade&Soul Introduction And Skill Tree Guide

Blade & Soul features a combination of martial arts inspired combat and Qing Gong in an open-world environment. Players create playable characters that explore around the world by completing quest assigned by various NPCs. The game uses a real-time battle system in the third person camera view and requires players to "combo" a series of attacks, much like that of fighting games. According to NCsoft, the game also features an innovative “Downed” mechanic, allowing players to recover from the brink of death. Players begin with “player-versus environment” (PvE) but may participate in “player-versus-player” (PvP) combat later in the game

Blade Master

The Blade Master is a "Warrior" class that specializes in sword combat to deliver a variety of attacks. Blade Masters do not have high static defense but are good at parrying and evading their enemies' blows then following up with counter attacks. Blade Master can also go on the offensive with "Batto Jutsu" stance to inflict heavy blows. Against enemies from far away, Blade Master can use Flying Sword techniques that will harm their enemies from afar.


This class has race limitations and can only be played with the following playable races: the Jin and the Kun

Skill Tree


A Summoner draws upon the power of nature to distract and disable foes from a safe distance while the summoned cat moves in for the kill. This class is described as a "jack-of-all-trades, but master-of-none."


This class can only be played with the Lyn

Skill Tree

Force Master

The Force Master class uses their inner Chi to deliver a variety of devastating blows to their enemies. Force Master is the most amazing class in Blade and Soul. They are the masters of control; they can apply movement impairing effects to multiple enemies, allowing them to take on more than one foe at a time. Force Masters are closest to the wizards and magi of traditional RPGs. They can utilize powerful fire and ice elemental attacks from a distance, but have low HP.


Kun , Lyn

Skill Tree

Kung-fu Master

In Blade & Soul, Kung Fu Master is a devastating hand-to-hand combatant, whose signature gauntlets pack a mighty punch. But a Kung Fu Master is even more effective in a defensive role, countering and redirecting incoming blows to damage and incapacitate their attackers. It takes a great deal of skill and practice to make the most of a Kung Fu Master...but the results are well worth it!


Gon , Jin

Skill Tree


Destroyer's power comes from their immense physical strength. They wield large axes to deliver fatal blows to their enemy targets. They also enjoy taking advantage of their winning situations, grabbing enemy corpses and tossing them at other foes. Hell, they will grab anything in their sight to toss at their enemies. Destroyers have great defense making it easier to deal with melee attackers and multiple enemies at once. Destroyer bodies were trained to withstand even the harshest attack; they often become the strong root of their allies.



Skill Tree


The Assassin class is a very deceptive and lethal combatant. Using a short sword, or dagger, the Assassin eliminates their enemies with incredible precision and agile movements. Assassins utilize the element of surprise to take control of fights, slipping into the shadows and only revealing themselves when they see an advantage. They also have many explosives and traps at their disposal, allowing them to quickly eliminate targets or get away from the worst of situations. Assassination isn't the only thing they have going for them, believe it or not. They also possess the ability to protect their allies from harm.



Skill Tree

All Purpose Skill Tree


As Blademaster, Swordmaster also uses sword to attack enemies, but the difference is that he/she is not good at long range attack. Swordmaster is more like a combination of Destroyer, Forcemaster and Blademaster.



Swordmaster Abilities Up to Level 40

Thanks For Reading :)
Used Media : bladeandsoul.gamepedia , Blade&Soul ( CN ) - ( KR )

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