
Closers Online

Closers Online - Dimension Conflict is an upcoming cel shaded combat MOARPG released by NADDIC GAMES. Their development team consists of veteran people who previously worked on Elsword Online. The game currently runs on a self developed engine called "NKX" and it supposedly runs really fast at 80 FPS! The style and theme of Closers kind of resembles those cel shading anime looking games like Soul Work Online and Project NT.

Character & Class


Seha lee

"Come on, bring it on! I'm ready!"

Seha's mother was one of the legendary CLOSERS who helped bring the Dimensional War to an end. Everyone tells him he is the Black Lamb with the highest potential topological power, but he isn't fully able to tap into that power yet - and to be honest, he doesn't even care enough to try.

He feels constant pressure from everyone around him who expect him to be as every bit as good as his mother. He wouldn't even have gotten involved with the Black Lambs if his mom hadn't made him. For Seha, being a Black Lamb is just another aggravating extracurricular activity he has to do.

What he really loves is playing video games, and you're unlikely to see him without some kind of controller in his hands. In fact, Seo thinks he's worse than an addict.


Seulbi Lee

"Let's get started. Leave no one standing."

Orphaned during the Dimensional War, Seulbi grew up in an organization administered by UNION. She was selected for the Black Lambs after participating in a youth training program for CLOSERS run by the same organization.

Her potential strength may not be quite as high as the other members, but through backbreaking effort and practice she has learned to wield her power quite skillfully. In fact, in this regard, she is rated at least two levels higher than her peers.

It was that assessment that earned her the spot of the leader of the Black Lambs. She is a bit of a perfectionist, though, and this often puts her in conflict with Seha.


Yuri Seo

" Swords! Guns! BANG-BANG! "

Yuri was a pretty normal kid, growing up in a pretty average household - at least until she found out she had the makings of a CLOSER around the age of 15. This was quite unusual - the signs usually show up at a much earlier age. But even before Yuri's topological power manifested, she had been a national Kendo champion, trouncing the competition with her skills. Her physical acumen overshadows anyone else her age, which got her noticed and earned her spot in the Black Lambs project.


" Take it easy, children. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. "

The Black Lambs only accept minors, but J is an exception. He was sent by UNION to support the other members, and little is known of him but the fact that he was a CLOSER who fought in the Dimensional War.

His real name and age remains as a mystery, though it is clear from the songs and the celebrities that he likes that he's at-least in his thirties.

J's job is to take part in the fighting with the other members, and , in the event that something goes wrong, to take the lead and make sure that they all make it back home alive. He suffers from a number of conditions believed to be lingering injuries from the war, and he's a lot more frail than he looks.



" ~ "

Misteltein is the youngest ever Closer member, and was sent to the Union from Berlin from a certain group, which Davidreferred to as "them".

Not much is known about him at the moment, other than that he is the 5th member of the Black Lambs.

Thanks For Reading :)
Used media by: closers.wikia

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