
Moonlight Blade

Moonlight Blade is Tencent Games' upcoming action MMORPG sets in the martial arts world. Tencent Games is working with movie makers to create movie-leveled combat feeling, and they make use of satellite statistics to build the terrains of the game. The developer claimed that the gaming world is massive and 18 times larger than the world of Skyrim.

Not only the size, but also the detail level of the world will amaze MMO gamers. The developer told that the engine allows them to provide a 2,300-meter view distance, 17 different types of landscapes, and over 2,200 types of plants.

Combat Gameplay Trailer 

Character Creation 

Class Introduction And Skill Preview

A total of 5 classes will be released in the upcoming 3rd CBT, namely Zhenwu, Taibai, Shenwei, Beggar and Tangmen. Although most of the class names do not have any meaningful English translation, a brief introduction of each classes and their characteristics will be highlighted in this article

1.Zhenwu (真武)

Zhenwu (真武) is the new class introduced in this CBT. The skills of the class revolve around twin sword and taichi skill. Only the male version of the class will be released in this CBT. According to the character selection screen, the battle sytle combines both melee and ranged attacks, with high survibility and easy to play. The video also demonstrates the extremely cool “shadow drive” skills, where by the character excecutes combo with his own moving shadow!

2.Taibai (太白) 

Taibai (太白) is another sword-yielding character. Taibai is good in close-ranged combat, with quick attack movement.

3.Shenwei (神威)

Shenwei (神威) is a class which uses spear attack skills with combo from her bow as well.

4.Beggar (丐帮)

Beggar (丐帮) class mainly uses the famous Drunken Fist, which is good in melee combat. He is also good at crowd control.

5.Tangmen (唐门)

Tangmen (唐门) is a clan famous for the use of poison darts and mechanical puppets. The video demonstrates some complicated combo with his fans and darts in combinations with the puppets and other traps. According to the official information, Tangmen has high damage output, but is also the hardest class to learn.

New Classes



Thanks for reading :)

Media : 2p.com

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